Universal Sealed Breech


Designed for the Nerf Longshot, will fit any Nerf style Clip System Breech.


This Universal Breech will fit ANY common magazine fed, spring powered Nerf or Buzzbee Blaster, with the most notable Models being the Nerf Longshot and Retaliator as well as the Buzzbee Sentinel, Ultra Tek 8 and Snipe.
It comes with all the necessary O-rings but you will need to supply your own Barrel material. It is designed for metric 16mm PVC Pipe and will also seal Perfectly in 17/32” Brass Tubing.

Tutorial including reverse boltsled mod (German): https://blasted.de/threads/how-to-warshot-easybreech-inside-pumpaction-schritt-fuer-schritt-anleitung.6867/

Google Translated version: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fblasted.de%2Fthreads%2Fhow-to-warshot-easybreech-inside-pumpaction-schritt-fuer-schritt-anleitung.6867%2F&edit-text=&act=url

Additional information

For Blaster

BuzzBee Eradicator, BuzzBee Reaper, BuzzBee Sentinel, BuzzBee Snipe, BuzzBee Tek-8, Nerf Alpha Trooper, Nerf Delta Trooper, Nerf Longshot, Nerf Retaliator, Nerf Slingfire, Worker Prophecy


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